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The Editors


E. K. Seaver

To find an E. K. Seaver, you must set a trap. The best option is to lure her in using chocolate, blankets, and a typewriter, but if none of those are on hand, spare books and Broadway music can be easily substituted.
She prefers to be wild and free, though. Whether it includes adventuring through the Rocky Mountains or curled up at a local bookshop, she uses her freedom to produce art. From books to scarves to paintings, Ms. Seaver strives to honor her King in every aspect of her creative works. She desires her stories to hold a meaning beyond the tale and attempts to follow in the footsteps of storytellers who came before her.
You can find her and her wild adventures at or on Instagram

Grace A. Johnson

Grace (you can call her Gracie) is a teenage Christian authoress, avid reader and book blogger, and pirate enthusiast (you didn't see that one coming, did ya?) who loves polishing prose. She's been writing for seven years and has self-published as many books (not one each year, though), one of which made the #5 spot on Amazon's bestselling religious historical fiction list! She hates being critiqued more than anything else, so she strives to make the editing process a kind and loving learning experience that benefits both the author and book! She has proofread Kellyn Roth's Kees & Colliers series, and line-edited Emerge by Tara Callahan, and The House That Didn't End by E.K. Seaver.

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